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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  April 9, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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now at 11:00. >> heavy rain on the way, how long it will >> plus the main approach to the golden gate bridge from san francisco is scheduled to be shut down. >> expect major delays. >> when it will be closed and how to get around it and why united is getting out of oakland. expect a soggy day tomorrow, another storm headed to the bay area. you are not saying just sprinkles, this is rain? >> no. we will get heavy rainfall. it is off shore now. >> early morning? >> starting in the north bay
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first. this storm not really moving in the normal direction, which is north to south, it is moving south to north. starting in the north bay and more from the south right now. there is the tail end of it, pulling in tropical moisture, and it will park itself over the bay area tomorrow. what you can expect tomorrow, showers at 4:00 and turning to more rain in the north bay at 6:00 a.m. in the morning and into the afternoon, we will be seeing moderate rain, it will last for several hours. it will go into had evening as well. looks like the morning commute will be effected and the afternoon commute as well. it could be grid lock trying to get over the golden gate bridge. today it was announced the approach will be closed april
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27, it will begin at 8:00 p.m. friday lasting till 5:00 a.m. monday morning and we got a map showing limited access the cars will have, that area highlighted in red will be closed. they will tear that down, replacing it with a more safe road. kron 4's kate thompson is live in san francisco with more on the major delays people can expect. kate? >> reporter: it will be a pretty tough ride near the golden gate bridge that weekend. 100,000 people use that approach to the golden gate bridge avenue day. you can take a look. this roadway is going to be torn down and that is what is going to cause all the grid lock that weekend when all those cars are forced on to a different road. >> reporter: the warning is to avoid the golden gate bridge all together. all traffic coming or going
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will be put on to 19th avenue, highway one, that you see here, two lanes on to the bridge and two lanes off. >> expect major delays and the golden gate bridge because you only have the two lanes. 19 avenue can't handle the traffic that doyle drive handles. >> reporter: to avoid traffic, officials are suggesting to use the bay bridge. signs alerting drivers are expected to go up soon. >> there is an effort to coordinate with law enforcement, police and chp and sfpd. there is a big effort to make sure during that weekend people are directed. >> reporter: the short notice is due to the fact they just found out it will be complete and they want owork to be -- the work to be done before the
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summer. >> there is more travelers and events. there are plenty of events going on that weekend. a sold out wine tasting event, 5,000 tickets sold to that, two giants games and there is an event at the raceway. there are plenty of people who have a tough time trying to navigate up north and back into the city. we have seem coverage. now to kron 4's jeff bush. >> reporter: that is the roadway that most people take from the marina to the golden gate bridge. in two weeks drivers will have to find another way and a lot of people use this road. it won't be easy. you can see this red line indicates the entire road will be shut down. once all the cars are off there will be a demolition marathon. officials say workers will be
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on the clock nonstop. they will be using 40 hammers to get the job done and it will be very noisy during that time. this work reduces the weight of the bridge. the most common detour, look at it, two lanes. drivers will need a lot of patience if they are going that way. the work should be done for the morning commute on the 30th. weather permitting. this is the section the drivers will be using to get on to the golden gate bridge. jeff bush, kron 4 news. a 17 in custody after the suv he was driving plowed into a family in concord. this is the scene. a father and daughter were on their bicycles and killed in the crash. kron 4's dan kerman talked to people who have been visiting the growing memorial and the latest on the investigation.
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the memorial for the victims continues to grow in concord. >> the family came into our store. >> reporter: those who knew the victims came to honor them. >> shocking. and it is a big loss. >> really tough. i was tossing and turning all night last night, the night before. couldn't go to sleep. i just got off of work right now. really nice guy. >> reporter: this was the scene. solaiman nuri and his daughter were killed. his 12-year-old daughter was injured. speeding is likely one of the causes. >> at least from a few of the witnesses and you have to look at the damage to the vehicle,
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the building. >> reporter: police are investigating whether the driver was inthe influence or -- under the influence or using his cell phone. that information can take 2 weeks it get. the case hasn't been turn said over to the district attorney for review, because the suspect can only be held for 48 hours, it is likely he will be released on tuesday and the decision to charge by the district attorney will come in the next week or two. in concord, dan kerman, kron 4 news. >> we continue with kron 4's terisa estacio, she talked to a neighbor who knows everyone involved. the father of the 17-year- old who lives in this home helps design sets for the san francisco ballet. the teen lives with his older sister and the teen is a well liked kid and others know him
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because he was popular on the swim team. another neighbor says this is difficult oo deal with -- to deal with because she knows the teen and the 9-year-old victim, hadessa nuri. >> my son go to school together, so we know the girl. it is sad. >> reporter: she lived here all her life and feels bad for the parents of the 17-year-old. >> i knew the parents since i was a baby. like family. i haven't been over there. letting everybody get their -- go over there. >> reporter: terisa estacio, kron 4 news. the search for sierra lamar now more than three weeks old and in despite of a reward and new tips, police still don't have much to go on.
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police believe she was kidnapped on her way to school. they found her phone, a bag with her clothes, both were found separately. testing on the items have been done, they are waiting for the results. coming up on kron 4 news at 11:00, why united airlines is getting out of oakland and which company is hoping to take its play. >> facebook is aquering instagram for $1 billion. i am gabe slate, coming up, why facebook is doing this and what instagram users need to know. >> coming up, the giants' day with barry zito, front and center, also the oakland a's hosting the kansas royals, what happens there and the warriors trying to get it done at the expense of the denver nuggets. highlights just ahead. - ( music playing ) - we know technology can make you more connected.
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kaiser permanente. thrive. man accused of shooting a father and his two sons testified in his murder trial today. this is video of the suspect, edwin ramos when he was in court in 2008. today he took the stand and talked about his childhood, saying he was abused by his mother and boyfriend and he sought refuge with gangs. united airlines is ending 75 years of service at
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alcatrazaeae -- at oakland international airport. airport officials say the airline will be missed but it serves 1.5% of all the travelers. united airlines will offer flights from denver to san francisco and san jose and alaska will be moving in. galleries selling the works of thomas kinkade are seeing a surge in sales. he died friday at the age of 54. a autopsy was performed today. the results will not be known for weeks. they have had to call in extra help to handle all the orders for his paintings. at his original galleries, one of his works sold for $150,000 over the weekend. stay with us, more news after the break.
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ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. one picture might be worth thousand words. a whole network is worth $1 billion, that is price facebook is paying to buy instagram a san francisco start up.
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it is a photo sharing app with millions of users. it is facebook's biggest acquisition ever. kron 4's gabe slate tells you what it means. >> reporter: let me tell you about instagram a mobile photo sharing apps, like a picture based social network. cool filters to alter your picture. instagram is two years old, it is a free app. lately it has been averaging 5 million photos a day. it is popular and growing fast. one of facebook's features is photo sharing. so they gain instagram's users and can use their technology to improve facebook. twitter was flooded with
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instagram's users upset and concerned facebook will use instagram. mark zuckerberg of facebook and the ceo of instagram, both claim instagram will stay independent of facebook and it will not change. if this is fru, instagram -- true instagram users have nothing to worry about and expect instagram to get better. they will have resources from facebook to improve instagram. i think facebook will leave instagram alone for a while but then merge them. similar to google and youtube. not very independent anymore. gabe slate, kron 4 news. one of oakland's teams is considering a move. kron 4's grant lodes has details. >> reporter: the warriors could
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we headed to san francisco, there is a push for the warriors to build an arena long the water front near peers 30 and 32, south of the bay bridge. the warriors are exploring the possibility of setting up shop right there and this news comes a week after the giants announced plans to develop this mission bay area just south of at&t park, that you see there. the warriors were in talks with the giants about a basketball arena south of at&t park but looks like that is not happening. the warriors' lease expire in 2017. grant lodes, kron 4 news. f live look outside, rain approaching the coast line. ignore this here. on this side, this is the man band of rain we are expecting. the computer model backed off the intensity of the rainfall
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through the afternoon tomorrow. let's look into the 6:00 hour tomorrow morning, lighter rain through the north bay. heavier rain approaching the coast line. this is 10:00 hour tomorrow morning, seeing heavier rain along the coast line, santa rosa. noon hour, tomorrow, we are seeing heavier rain through the north bay and bay shores. notice the rain is more spotty down towards the south bay and inland valleys. through the afternoon, it will effect your afternoon commute. in certain places rather than others. this is 4:00 hour, heavier rain. in to evening the rain will largely end by 7:00. a few lingering showers after that.
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dry over night wednesday. high temperatures for tomorrow, going to be colder than today. in the upper 50s and low 60s. 63 in san jose. 63 pleasanton. 60 in antioch. 62 redwood city. rainfall totals, a a quarter of an inch to half inch in most locations. inch of rain in the higher terrain. as for the sierra, the snow not approaching till midnight tomorrow, snow moving through truckee. the snow continues to fly through the day on wednesday. tapers off into the early afternoon. a quick look at the forecast, the snow falling into wednesday morning, also another round of snow thursday because we will see a series of systems this week. tomorrow the rain lasts throughout the day in a number of spots and showers on wednesday. another system on thursday.
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that one lingering into friday as well. conditions will improve into the weekend. clearing on saturday. temperatures warming into sunday. up next, barry zito turning back the clock 9 years with dominant performance and a debut to remember, vern is up next, don't move. bay area ! here's big news from verizon wireless
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. all right. baseball. the a's tonight, no offense. no problem. they have this kid, tommy malone on the mound, came ovin the -- over in the trade. gets cane to fly out to right. jason, check out the throw. boom! a bullet. bottom of the second. slap as single to right. this brings home the only run of the game. 1-4. a pick off play. tommy malone goes 8 innings strong. no strikeouts. but control. he gets help. more defense. the throw. eight innings, 3 hits. 3 walks, only the second a's pitcher to go 8 innings and the a's win 1-0. 2-3 for the year.
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274, a major league record between shut out wins for barry zito. nails down the giants first win of the season. giants and the rockies, and colorado's home opener. here goes sandoval. a 430-foot shot. it is 2-0 quickly. barry zito gets him to end the third. strikes out him. barry zito was amazing. gets jordan swinging. first shut out in nine years. 9 years for barry zito. he scattered four hits. four strikeouts and the giants win it by a final of 7-0. they go to 1-3 for the year and avoid their first 0-4 start since 1950.
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>> mean time, the golden state warriors, two days after taking care of denver by 17 they lose and lose big time. no chance. no hope. the warriors lose by 39. 39. you see the score. that is no typo. golden state warriors gone tonight. 7th seed, and under dogs, san jose sharks, having to hit the playoffs against the st. louis blues. they open up on the road on thursday. they had a practice today. the blues, they have the second best record in the league. so san jose having to try to gain a split, you would think on the road. >> the intensity goes up. we know what they are about. what we have done so far this
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year is whatnot to do, really, hasn't worked. we have to be better. >> all right. some of the biggest names in indy racing, 13 indy drivers giving a go, testing out their new cars. couple of races into the season. they got a break here to test out the track. you see them here. over a minute. he was asked about his wife, actress ashley judge. >> i am three episodes ahead of you guys. [ laughter ] >> for me it is getting better with every episode. i am not going to make my wife mad because she can do all the fighting now and, yeah, you might want to pay attention to that too.
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[ laughter ] >> how about that? >> he is charming. fun to listen to. have a good night, everybody.
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